STI Podcast podcast

HIV and STI prevention, plus HIV in Ukraine

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In this double-interview podcast, the Editor-in-Chief of the STI journal, Professor Anna Maria Geretti, brings you some of the highlights from the HIV Glasgow 2022 conference. In the first interview (starting at 1:00), Professor Geretti interviews Jean-Michel Molina*, who discusses HIV and STI prevention. The second interview (starting at 12:30) is with Professor Miłosz Parczewski**. They discuss the effects of the war in Ukraine on the country’s healthcare system, in particular on the prevalence of STIs. *Professor of Infectious Diseases University of Paris, France and Head of the Infectious Diseases Department, Saint-Louis Hospital and Lariboisière Hospital Paris, France. **Clinical specialist and Professor of Infectious Diseases Pomeranian Medical University, Szczecin, Poland. Associate Editor on STI and newly elected Vice President of the European AIDS Clinical Society. To hear more episodes of the STI Podcast, please subscribe:

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