Sound and Vision podcast

Jacqueline Surdell

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Episode 435 / Jacqueline Surdell was born and raised in Chicago, IL. She reimagines the woven canvas as a space of undulation and growth. As the expanded histories of painting materialize in her work as content, simultaneously, swollen tendrils and textures of bound rope deny illusions of the classically painted picture plane. The works actively work to bridge the division between painting and sculpture. In this way, her work calls into association other binary categorizations such as rigid and collapsed, construction techniques coded as masculine or feminine, and ontological spaces between body and sculpture.

 She has an MFA in Fiber and Material Studies from the Art Institute of Chicago and a BFA from Occidental College in LA. She’s shown in venues such as Gallery Common in Tokyo, Devening Prijects in Chicago, Library Street Collective in Detroit, Patricia Sweetow Gallery in San Francisco, the South Bend Museum of Art and many more. 

Her work has been covered in the Chicago Tribune, Detroit Art Review, New City, DesignMilk and more. 

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