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I am a work in progress.

I'm exactly where I need to be.

I can learn what I don't know.

I move at my own pace.

I release all stagnant energy from life.

I'm shifting into a state of constant flow.

I am open to abundance.

I can feel my own power flowing freely through me.

I trust God’s timing.

I embrace my current stillness and renew my energy.

I say this to you… do not plant your dreams in the field of indecision, for nothing ever grows there… it will only be consumed by the weeds of “what if’s”

Speak these stagnant affirmations throughout your day to help guide you in your journey.

Self Love Advice (30min Zoom Audio Call)

Schedule a clarity session with me.

I can help you get started on your self love journey, provide tools to help you increase your self worth, build self esteem and self confidence.


Morning Routine Planner

Goal Setting Guide

Self Care Savings Tracker


She is Affirmed Book Club

Youtube Channel: 

7 Habits of A Highly Confident Woman

Watch:  https://youtu.be/-FjXSPY4YYo

Increase Your Self Worth | Self Love Journey

Watch Now: https://youtu.be/It5YWzcXCaY

How to level up Mentally in 2022

 Watch Now: https://youtu.be/G2vzCkLcbO8


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Instagram Accounts

Podcast: https://www.instagram.com/sheisaffirmed/

Personal: https://www.instagram.com/sheissarahv

Twitter: https://twitter.com/sheissarahv

Tik Tok: @sheissarahv / @sheisaffirmed

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