Sales Influence Podcast podcast

STOP Using Weasel Words - Confidence Killer | #424

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Using weasel words undermines confidence in sales communication and it's important to eliminate them to build confidence and persuade customers effectively.

  • 00:00 Stop undermining your sales success and ability to persuade by using weasel words without realizing it.
  • 00:32 Customers want confidence to make buying decisions, so it's important to differentiate yourself when presenting your product or service.
  • 01:07 Using weasel words undermines confidence in communication with clients, so it's important to avoid them.
  • 01:45 Stop using weasel words like "could, might, may, probably" and be more assertive in your language to build confidence.
  • 02:22 Stop using weasel words in sales to avoid feeling better about not being pushy and start being more confident.
  • 02:44 Using weasel words like "might, could, may" kills customer confidence in making buying decisions, which is crucial in a market where products and services are almost identical.
  • 03:14 Stop using weasel words like "may, could, might" when selling, as it undermines your confidence and ability to convince others.
  • 03:35 Eliminate weasel words from your speech to boost confidence and sales.
    • Record yourself speaking, listen for weasel words, and eliminate them to improve your sales rates.
    • Be aware of and eliminate weasel words from your presentations and conversations to improve confidence and sales influence.

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