The Mindy Project was a sitcom created by and starring Mindy Kaling that aired on Fox from 2012 to 2015 and later transitioned to Hulu, where it continued until its conclusion in 2017. The series follows Dr. Mindy Lahiri, an obstetrician-gynecologist in New York City who is determined to balance her career, friendships, and romantic aspirations all while she searches for her "happily ever after."
Initially well-received, The Mindy Project garnered praise for Kaling’s performance and the show’s humor. It has since become a beloved part of Kaling’s creative legacy, celebrated for its blend of romance and comedy and its fresh perspective on a female lead. Listen as the S1E1 boys deep dive the show's pilot episode.
Starring: Mindy Kaling, Chris Messina, Ed Weeks, Anna Camp, Zoe Jarman, Amanda Setton, Stephen Tobolowsky, Bill Hader & Ed Helms
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