Climate Conversations podcast

Climate News: 'The more renewable we get, the more reliable our power supplies become' - Amory Lovins, U.S. energy expert

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Amory Lovins (pictured) is in Australia for an energy conference and was a guest on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's RN Breakfast and talked with host, Fran Kelly - "Energy efficiency guru Amory Lovins on Future Made in Australia";

"Dick Smith says no country has ever been able to run entirely on renewables. Is that correct?";

"Labor’s Future Gas Strategy: The greatest capitulation of any Australian government to the fossil fuel industry";

"WA's greenhouse gas emissions continue to climb above 2005 levels despite net zero pledge";

"Tuvalu is being swallowed by the ocean. Its people face a difficult choice";

"Australia and Tuvalu finalize historic treaty to welcome climate refugees";

"Inside the Labor gas rebellion splitting the party";

"Climate Science Initiative, presented at Murdoch University";

"Q&A: The Dire Consequences of Global Warming in the Earth’s Oceans";

"94% of psychologists are concerned about the impact of climate change on mental health";

"China makes some of the hottest new EVs. Most aren’t sold in the U.S.";

"Europe hit by severe floods in the north and heatwaves in the south";

"Future Gas Strategy";

"World’s top climate scientists expect global heating to blast past 1.5C target";

"State of Sustainability Report 2023";

"Think before you click – and three other ways to reduce your digital carbon footprint";

"Eco-anxiety affecting more than two-thirds of Australians aged 16-25 years, study finds";

"Forgotten Keepers of the Rio Grande Delta: a Native Elder Fights Fossil Fuel Companies in Texas";

"Contemplating an EV? Here’s the buzz on the pros and cons";

"Biloxi, Mississippi, is losing a foot of salt marsh shoreline a year":

"Climate change made the deadly heatwaves that hit millions of highly vulnerable people across Asia more frequent and extreme";

"Global projections of heat exposure of older adults";

"Australia's offer of climate asylum to Tuvalu sparks controversy";

"Global experts and leaders convene for Vatican climate summit";

"Ministers consider making UK’s carbon targets easier to meet";

"'Catastrophic floods' kill more than 300 in Afghanistan, wash away entire villages";

"Chart: Global clean energy manufacturing, by the numbers";

"BP Grabs The Opportunity to Take Over Tesla’s Supercharging Sites":

"Data Centers Power Demand Fuel U.S. Utility Q1 Earnings Discussions";

"Climate change is affecting mental health literally everywhere";

"Clean Energy Is Driving ‘a New Era in American Manufacturing’ Across the Midwest";

"Carbon Offset Deals and the Risks of ‘Green Grabbing’";

"Electric Drive: How China’s BYD Is Racing Ahead in the EV Market";

"A water war is brewing between the U.S. and Mexico. Here’s why.";

"Days after climate talks, US slaps tariffs on Chinese EVs and solar panels";

"Paris summit unlocks cash for clean cooking in Africa, side-stepping concerns over gas";

"'Civil Disobedience Has to Become the New Norm.' Jane Fonda on the Fight Against Climate Change";

"It’s a Climate Election Now";

"Azerbaijan pursues clean energy to export more ‘god-given’ gas to Europe";

"In Nagorno-Karabakh, Azerbaijan’s net zero vision clashes with legacy of war";

"In Florida, Skyrocketing Insurance Rates Test Resolve of Homeowners in Risky Areas";

"Climate Change Puts U.S. Economy and Lives at Risk, and Costs Are Rising, Federal Agencies Warn";

"Coal's Dying Light: The decline of coal is hurting Kentucky and communities across the country";

"New Rules Help to Answer Whether Clean Energy Jobs Will Also Be Good Jobs";

"America’s Green Skills Gap Raises Concerns About Energy Transition";

"Can Biden’s new jobs program to fight climate change attract women and people of color?";

"The Civilian Conservation Corps";

"Flash floods in Afghanistan devastate lives and livelihoods";

"Herd of 170 bison could help store CO2 equivalent of 43,000 cars, researchers say";

"What Trump promised oil CEOs as he asked them to steer $1 billion to his campaign".

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