Regulate & Rewire: An Anxiety & Depression Podcast podcast

How to Navigate Situational Anxiety

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Do you ever find yourself tense or anxious when dealing with new situations? This could be traveling to a new place, interviewing for a job, or simply a changing seasons in your life. This is often referred to as situational anxiety, which is a form of anxiety that happens in response to a new, unfamiliar, or stressful (to you) situation. Today I'm going to offer a nervous system reframe and other tools to help you navigate this better. Hit play to listen!

Here's the 3 takeaways:

  1. Reframing Anxiety: Labeling experiences as "activation" rather than "anxiety" can reduce overwhelm and foster self-compassion. Understanding that your nervous system is responding naturally to new or unfamiliar situations helps shift from helplessness to curiosity.
  2. Self-Compassion: Normalizing your experience, especially during life changes, is crucial. Your body's heightened response is often a reasonable reaction to uncertainty or shifts, and you’re not wrong for feeling it.
  3. Support & Regulation: Regulating your nervous system with grounding techniques, breathwork, and movement, along with seeking support, can help ease situational and anticipatory anxiety, allowing you to navigate life’s transitions with more clarity and calm.

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