People With Purpose podcast

Confidence Curiosity and Connection with Natalie Bailey

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In this episode, David is interviewed by Natalie Bailey. They discuss the importance of curiosity, empathy, and empowering individuals to reach their full potential. David and Natalie discuss the importance of asking questions and avoiding judgment when dealing with others. They also talk about creating your own luck in business through learning, working with alignment with your values, and taking calculated risks.


  • Knowing your purpose is empowering and drives you forward.
  • To discover your purpose start by writing down what is important to you. If you are struggling think about what makes you feel good, e.g. helping others.
  • Be open to evolving your purpose as your life and things around you change.
  • Be curious and genuinely open to learning from others.
  • Take notice of how you are feeling, including anger, and ask yourself why you are feeling that way.
  • Embrace difference. People have different strengths and ways of doing things that can benefit the team as a whole.
  • Be authentic, stick to your values, but also look for common ground.
  • We all have a choice about how we respond.
  • Some people are not going to agree with you or like you. That is normal, don´t let it put you off.
  • Turn to nature to keep you grounded and help you to get through bumpy times.



‘Help others to step into their own potential.’

‘Having clarity around the mission makes a massive difference.’

‘You've got a choice, so make it a good one.’

‘Sometimes in life, you need people that are not like you to help you along.’



People with purpose make a difference. Imagine a world where more people can just get their purpose out of them, into a plan and then actually make it happen. What a world that would be - People everywhere finding meaning and harnessing that to bring inspiration and energy to each and every day, changing lives for the better. But no one ever achieved anything on their own - we all have something unique to bring and that means we all have to play our part - if we want to go far, we have to go together and lead or serve towards a vision of the world we want to see. Everyone has a story to tell, and this show is where these stories come to life.



David Roberts is a highly regarded CEO, mentor, and investor with 30 years of experience across multiple sectors. As an intrapreneur and entrepreneur, David has bought, grown, started and sold several businesses, working with values-driven start-ups, award-winning SMEs, and multinational corporations on strategies for service excellence, leadership, and profitable growth. David’s passion is for purpose and creating an environment where everyone can succeed, through building teams that get things done, execute on their mission with passion, deliver exceptional service and really make a difference.

Find out about Natalie Arabella Bailey here 


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