PayPod: The Payments and Fintech Podcast podcast

Fraud, AI, and Pig Butchering with Sift's Armen Najarian

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Episode Topic:

Welcome to an insightful episode of PayPod. We get into the evolving landscape of fraud prevention and cybersecurity with Armen Najarian, the Chief Marketing Officer of Sift. The conversation delves into Armen's unique career journey, from opening a coffee shop to becoming a key player in the tech world. They explore how Sift uses AI-powered technology to combat the impact of blockchain technology and online fraud prevention on the industry. Armen shares insights on various types of fraud, including social engineering attacks like pig butchering and romance scams, and how businesses can protect themselves and their customers.

Lessons You’ll Learn:

Listeners will gain a comprehensive understanding of the latest trends and challenges in fraud prevention. Armen Najarian discusses the importance of scalability in fraud detection and how adaptive machine-learning models help keep up with evolving threats. He also highlights the role of blockchain technology in fraud prevention, emphasizing its potential to enhance transparency and trust in financial transactions. Additionally, Armen offers practical advice for consumers on protecting their personal data and maintaining good cybersecurity hygiene. This episode provides valuable knowledge for both industry professionals and everyday users looking to stay informed about cybersecurity and fraud prevention.

About Our Guest:

Armen Najarian is the Chief Marketing Officer of Sift, a leading company in AI-powered fraud prevention. With a diverse background that includes accounting, entrepreneurship, and a successful transition into the tech industry, Armen brings a wealth of experience to the conversation. At Sift, he oversees marketing and also holds the title of GM of Threat Research, a role that combines his expertise in marketing with his passion for cybersecurity. Armen's journey from running a coffee shop to leading efforts in fraud prevention is both inspiring and informative, offering listeners a unique perspective on the importance of adaptability and continuous learning in one’s career.

Topics Covered:

The episode covers a range of topics, including the significance of blockchain technology and fraud prevention in today’s digital landscape. Armen Najarian explains how Sift uses AI and machine learning to detect and prevent fraudulent activities in real time. The discussion also touches on the various forms of social engineering attacks, such as pig butchering and romance scams, highlighting the sophisticated methods used by fraudsters. Other topics include the importance of consumer awareness and the growing need for skilled professionals in the cybersecurity field.

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