News For Kids podcast

Waiting for Flying Cars

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Waiting for Flying Cars Companies have been working on flying cars for many years. So we ask, "Where are the flying cars?" 很多公司一直在研究飛天車,到底甚麼時候會做出來呢? Flying cars are hard to make. The cars need to fly a long way. And they need to be safe. Companies have to test their flying cars many times. No one wants cars to fall from the sky! 飛天車很難製造,因為它需要安全地長途飛行。公司要不停地測試,確保飛天車不會墜機! So how do flying cars work? Every company has a different idea. But most flying cars use propellers. The propellers push air down and the car goes up! Then these cars use wings to fly forward. 飛天車怎麼運作呢? 大部分會使用 propellers ,也就是螺旋槳,它把空氣往下壓,車子會往上升,然後用機翼往前飛行。 Why don't we have flying cars now? Well, we need rules about flying them first. No one wants flying cars to crash! Our safety is important. And these cars will be very expensive. One company's flying car will be $10 million Taiwan dollars! 飛天車也需要相關的法規,保障交通安全。而且,這些車子造價昂貴,其中一家公司的飛天車要價一千萬台幣! Hmmmm…. So maybe most of us won't buy a flying car. Maybe we will use flying taxis. But we have to wait for those too. 也許大部分的人都買不起,也許我們可以叫空中計程車,但還需要再等等。 For now, we'll keep asking, "Where are the flying cars?" And one day, the answer will be, "They're up above us!" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vocabulary 飛天汽車是很多人的夢想,但是要實現這個夢想難度很高。 1. taxi 計程車。 It's raining hard! 好大的雨! What are we going to do? 我們怎麼辦? Let's call a taxi. 我們叫計程車吧。 What? From here? 什麼,從這裡? No, we can't. 不行,不能搭。 2. a long way 很長距離。 The place is a long way from here.那邊離這裡很遠! It'll cost at least $2,000 NT.至少要兩千塊。 So what do you suggest? 那你有什麼建議? 3. wait for 等待。 We'll wait for the rain to stop.我們等雨停。 What if it doesn't? 要是它不停呢? We'll be late! 我們會遲到的。 4. fall 掉落。 Oh, I wish I had a flying car! (打雷) 我真希望我有飛天車! In this kind of weather, it'll probably fall from the sky. 這種天氣,它可能會從天上掉下來。 一起來讀今天的單字。 taxi計程車 a long way很長距離 wait for等待 fall掉落 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quiz 1. Why are flying cars tested many times? a. They need to be safe. b. They need to be expensive. c. They need to be fun. 2. What do most flying cars use to go up? a. Wings b. Propellers c. Rockets 3. What might most people use? a. Flying taxis b. Flying motorcycles c. Flying scooters Answers 1. a 2. b 3. a -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

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