BRAND with Julie Ciardi | Build Your Brand to Grow Your Business podcast

532 | End Shiny Object Syndrome for Good!

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Today I'm going to be talking about how to begin to limit what you are exposing yourself to on  podcasts, in social media, etc. This course, that course & adds galore are distracting us from the work that we were meant to do in the world.


I'm so excited to share some of my own learnings from experiencing this, and also some tips on what to focus on instead of all the distractions!


If you have a very active mind like mine, that really does enjoy learning and consuming, but doing so in a way that really helps your business to grow, I invite you to check out Her Design Hub™! This is where my clients dive into content that helps them elevate their businesses by being their true selves. The breakthroughs and transformations have been incredible!


Check it out for yourself at

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