Moonshots Podcast: Superstar mindsets and success habits podcast

Unlocking the Secrets of Deep Nutrition with Dr Cate

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In this enlightening episode of the Moonshots Podcast, hosts Mike and Mark sit down with Dr. Catherine Shanahan and Luke Shanahan to explore their transformative book, “Deep Nutrition.” Dr. Cate, a renowned physician and nutrition expert, challenges the conventional wisdom of modern diets and reveals how ancestral eating patterns can lead to better health and longevity and even affect our genetic inheritance.

Related Links:

• 🎧 Listen to the full episode here: Episode 269

• 📖 Book Summary of Deep Nutrition: Read Here

• 📺 Watch the YouTube clip here: Deep Nutrition on YouTube

The discussion opens with Dr. Cate introducing the Hateful 8—a group of eight industrial seed oils highly processed, inflammatory, and often hidden in many packaged and processed foods. These oils—such as soybean, corn, canola, and cottonseed—are rich in polyunsaturated fats, which oxidize quickly, especially when heated. This process releases harmful compounds that contribute to inflammation and chronic diseases like heart disease, obesity, and cancer. Dr. Cate explains the dangers of cooking these oils at high temperatures, emphasizing the importance of replacing them with traditional fats such as butter, olive oil, and coconut oil, providing better heat stability.

Next, the episode delves into the fascinating idea that diet influences genetic expression. Drawing on the latest research in epigenetics, Dr. Cate and Luke explain how what we eat today doesn’t just affect our health but can also influence the genes we pass down to future generations. Poor dietary choices—such as consuming ultra-processed foods and the Hateful Eight oils—can activate genetic markers for diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. However, adopting a nutrient-dense, whole-food-based diet can “turn off” these harmful genetic signals and promote better health for ourselves and our descendants. This understanding shifts the focus of nutrition from short-term diets to long-term genetic health.

One of the critical insights from Deep Nutrition is the concept of metabolic flexibility. Dr. Cate explains that metabolic flexibility is the body’s ability to switch between burning carbohydrates and fat for energy. In our modern carb-heavy diets, many people depend on glucose for energy, leading to insulin resistance, fatigue, and difficulty burning fat. Dr. Cate emphasizes that by reintroducing healthy fats, cutting out sugars, and focusing on whole foods, we can regain this flexibility and improve our ability to burn fat, leading to better energy levels, weight loss, and overall metabolic health.

The episode also includes a conversation with Harry and Brett from The Meat Mafia, who discuss legacy—specifically, how our dietary habits affect not only our current health but also the genetic legacy we leave behind. They discuss how the prevalence of processed foods and harmful ingredients has created a generational health crisis. Still, by returning to nutrient-dense, ancestral diets, we can rewrite our genetic destiny and improve the health of future generations.

In the closing section, Dr. Cate provides listeners with a practical shopping list to help them make better food choices. Her recommendations include avoiding processed foods and prioritizing natural, whole foods like grass-fed meats, organic vegetables, and traditional fats. This guide serves as a starting point for those looking to improve their health by making small but impactful changes in their daily eating habits.

The episode ends with a strong message: by understanding the Hateful 8, embracing the power of nutrient-dense foods, and regaining metabolic flexibility, we can take control of our health and positively impact our genes for generations to come.

Key Takeaways:

 • Avoid the Hateful 8: Eliminate harmful oils like soybean and canola oil from your diet to reduce inflammation and improve long-term health.

 • Change Your Genes: Your diet can alter genetic expression, affecting your health and the health of future generations.

 • Embrace Metabolic Flexibility: Reduce sugars and focus on healthy fats to improve your body’s ability to burn fat and optimize energy.

 • Build a Nutrient-Dense Shopping List: Prioritize whole, unprocessed foods like meats, vegetables, and traditional fats to create a healthier lifestyle.

Related Links:

 • 🎧 Listen to the full episode here: Episode 269

 • 📖 Book Summary of Deep Nutrition: Read Here

 • 📺 Watch the YouTube clip here: Deep Nutrition on YouTube

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