MAMA, You're Doing Great!™ | Real, Relatable Motherhood Situations, Advice & Encouragement for Mamas podcast

MAMA, You're Doing Great!™ | Real, Relatable Motherhood Situations, Advice & Encouragement for Mamas

Kendahl Yanez: Your Encourager, Cheerleader & Mentor Through Motherhood

If you're looking for a fun & judgment-free community of mamas to talk about all the good and bad that comes with this crazy, most beautiful thing called motherhood. You're in the right place!

Mamas need more relatable, real, and safe conversations with other mamas. A place to bring our worries and questions; and to talk about all the good, bad, and beautiful things motherhood brings.

Mama, You're Doing Great!™ is that place!

I'm Kendahl Yanez, a mom of two, a wife, and a Dental Hygienist turned Founder of the Mama, You're Doing Great!™ Community & Podcast, and your biggest cheerleader!

I’m just a regular mom trying to survive motherhood just like you.

After struggling with postpartum anxiety myself and trying to be perfect by doing everything the books & other moms told me to do, I was stretched thin and felt like I was failing as a mom every day.

After seeking counseling and deleting “I’m a Bad Mom” from my vocabulary, I knew I couldn't be the only one feeling this way. 

Behind every kid is a mom who believes she is failing at some point. A lot of times, as moms, we feel like we are the only ones going through “that phase”.

But guess what? WE’RE NOT! There is another mom out there going through the same thing or has gone through it and can relate to your situation.

Mama, You're Doing Great!™ is the place for all moms in different stages of life to come together to encourage and build each other up. To share real and honest mom moments in a fun, safe, non-judgmental way. 

On the Mama, You're Doing Great!™ podcast you'll hear:

-My motherhood experiences and mom hacks. Motherhood experts sharing advice in their field to help your journey become easier, real-life stories from mamas just like you, sharing their stories about times they were in the thick of it & felt they were the "only ones" going through their situation. You will feel validated and supported in your motherhood situation.

-These episodes are full of advice and encouragement about real, relatable, and honest motherhood in hopes to make you feel more confident in your motherhood journey.

Whether you need advice, you're looking for clarity or you just need a good laugh with some girlfriends... that's what this community is all about.

So, I am excited you are here mama. The mission here is for you to feel heard, seen & not so alone in motherhood. 

Mama, You're Doing Great!™ is also an online & in-person community. Come hang out with us, let’s build an uplifting community of mamas and walk through motherhood together! 

Your Next Step:

Connect with other mamas just like you: Join the Community

Connect with me & let me cheer you on through motherhood:
Instagram: @kendahlyanez 
Email: [email protected]

88 Episodes