Magazines and Monsters podcast

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Marvel Team Up 15, 1973 w/Al Sedano!

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Hey everybody! Al Sedano has joined me for another fun episode. We’re talking about the first meeting between Ghost Rider and Spider-Man (I think?)! This team up is a fun one, and Al and I have a blast talking about it. Plus, we get the first appearance of one of the craziest villains, The Orb! So join us for some fun and one crazy comic!

As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show’s Facebook page (just search Magazines and Monsters). You can find Al and n social media @adamthanospod and on any podcast app by searching for Resurrections; an Adam Warlock and Thanos podcast! Thanks for listening!

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