Lorebeards podcast

Da Orc Fortress of Black Crag Cracked Open! Lorebeards Season 6 Epsiode 27 w/ Andy & Sotek

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For millennia, the mountain realms of the Dwarfs have been pulled slowly but surely into decline. Their once impregnable holds within the Worlds Edge Mountains were cracked open one after the other during that terrible time known as the Age of Woe. Among the mighty karaks that fell, few were felt as keenly as that of Karak Drazh. Join Andy & Sotek as they delve into the the history of the hold that came to be known as Black Crag and how it devolved into the greatest Orc Fortress in the world. From its initial claiming by the Greenskin scourge to the modern age under the iron fist of Gorfang Rotgut, this tour through the depths will be one to remember!

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