Latin in Layman’s - A Rhetoric Revolution podcast

Greek - Part Two - Etymologizing common words you see in your everyday life

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Podcast | Latin in Layman’s - A Rhetoric Revolution

  • Ocean (Greek: okeanos): A vast body of saltwater.
  • Olympiad (Greek: Olympia): A period of four years between Olympic Games.
  • Panic (Greek: Pan): A sudden feeling of fear that prevents rational thought.
  • Paradox (Greek: para + doxa): A statement that seems contradictory but may be true in a way.
  • Pathology (Greek: pathos + logos): The study of diseases.
  • Pharmacy (Greek: pharmakon): The science of preparing and dispensing medications.
  • Philosophy (Greek: philia + sophia): The study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence.
  • Phonetics (Greek: phōnē): The study of the sounds of speech.
  • Physics (Greek: physis): The study of matter, energy, and their interactions.
  • Politics (Greek: polis): The activities of the government and the struggle for power within it.
  • Psychology (Greek: psyche + logos): The scientific study of the human mind and behavior.
  • Scene (Greek: skēnē): The place where the action of a play or film takes place.
  • Stadium (Greek: stadion): A large, open-air area with seating for spectators.
  • Stomach (Greek: stomachos): The muscular sac-like organ in the upper left part of the abdomen that receives and partially digests food.
  • Strategy (Greek: stratos + agein): A plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim.
  • Symphony (Greek: syn + phōnē): A complex musical composition for a full orchestra.
  • Theater (Greek: theatron): A building or open-air area for the performance of plays, films, or other entertainment.
  • Theme (Greek: thema): A subject of discussion or artistic representation.
  • Theater (Greek: theatron): A building or open-air area for the performance of plays, films, or other entertainment.
  • Toxic (Greek: toxikon): Poisonous.
  • Zoo (Greek: zōion): A place where animals are kept and exhibited.

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