Initiations in Love Podcast podcast

Episode 20: Processing Exercise - Taking a Stand for Love

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Today’s episode of the Initiations in Love podcast is a follow-up to our previous episode: “Rebuilding Marriage with Courage and Love with Kristy Arnett Moreno.” In this episode, Britta explores the courage it takes to honestly expose our shadow side in relationships, and the profound healing that happens when we are met with love and acceptance. She reflects on the power of authenticity, self-responsibility, and taking a stand for what we truly desire in a relationship.

Britta reads a story from her spiritual memoir, Initiations in Love, from the fourth Initiation stage, The Emerging Stage, depicting her own version of taking a stand for herself (by setting an ultimatum!) and her vision of the kind of relationship she wanted—with or without her then-boyfriend, Lee (her now-husband). Britta then leads the listener in a journaling exercise designed to take an honest look at what their needs and values in an important relationship are, and how to be in right relationship with them.

This episode is an inspiring exploration of how honesty and vulnerability can transform relationships and lead to deeper connection and authenticity.

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Show Notes  

1:11 - Britta welcomes you to the podcast and reflects on the discussion, themes, and learnings from our previously released episode

7:14 - Britta introduces today’s reading from the fourth initiation stage, The Emerging Stage, called “The Ultimatum”

8:04 - Britta gives a reading of today’s chosen excerpt from her book, Initiations in Love

14:27 - Britta asks processing questions to sense how you’ve been affected by the passage she read

14:59 - Britta invites you to grab paper and a writing utensil for journaling prompts

  • What is one thing you wish your partner or a close loved one truly understood about you?

  • What fears or vulnerabilities do you often hide? What would it feel like to share them with someone you trust?

  • Are there areas in your relationships where you feel you’ve settled? What would taking a stand for your desires look like?

  • What would radical honesty look like for you in your closest relationships?

  • What vision do you have for your ideal relationship, and what small steps could you take toward creating it, starting with yourself?

25:48 - Britta brings the episode to a close - offering blessings on your journey, encouraging curiosity and suggesting sharing your exploration with someone with whom you feel safe

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