Initiations in Love Podcast podcast

Episode 18: Processing Exercise: Trusting the Light - Following Your Creative Bliss

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Today’s episode of the Initiations in Love podcast is a follow-up to our previous episode: “From Near-Death to Musical Awakening with Jens Kruger,” where we explored themes of trust, letting it happen, and creative passion. Jens experienced as a child how much he was cradled by unconditional Love (with a capital L), that he was not alone, and how there is no reason to be afraid of life - or death.  Britta reads a story from her new spiritual memoir, Initiations in Love, from the first initiation stage, The Awakening, depicting her own initial awakening as a child to unconditional Love (also with a capital L). 

Britta then leads the listener in a journaling exercise designed to deepen their understanding of feeling supported, of purpose and inspiration, and to awaken their creative expression.

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Show Notes  

1:11 - Britta welcomes you to the podcast, and reflects on the discussion, themes, and learnings from our previously released episode

6:15 - Britta introduces today’s reading from the first initiation stage, The Awakening, depicting her initial awakening to Love (with a capital L)

7:20 - Britta gives a reading of today’s chosen excerpt from her book, Initiations in Love

9:51 - Britta asks processing questions to sense how you’ve been affected by the passage she read

10:34 - Britta invites you to grab paper and a writing utensil for journaling prompts

  • Can you recall a moment in your life where you felt deeply supported? What impact did that have on you?

  • Think of a time when you felt creatively inspired - how can you nurture that spark in your current life?

  • What does “following your calling/bliss” look like in your life?

  • Reflect on your relationship with fear - how does it influence your decisions, and what tools could you use to navigate it?

  • Reflect on a moment when you felt deeply connected to a sense of purpose or passion - what were you doing, what did it feel like, and what does it teach you about your “why”?

  • How do you express love or service through your creative or personal gifts?

17:50 - Britta brings the episode to a close - offering blessings on your journey, encouraging curiosity and suggesting sharing your exploration with someone you feel safe with.

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