Initiations in Love Podcast podcast

Episode 16: Processing Exercise - Opening to the Unknown Through Life’s Challenges

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Today’s episode of the Initiations in Love podcast is a follow-up to our previous episode: “The Mystery of Life, Death, and Suffering with Drew Boa”. Britta reads a story from her new spiritual memoir, Initiations in Love, entitled, “Letting Janosch Go”. In this reading, she shares the difficult process of letting her then 16-year-old son, Janosch, leave America to move to Germany and live with his father - the agony she felt around all the uncertainty opening her to the Great Unknown. 


Britta then guides the listener through a journaling exercise to explore their current relationship with the theme of “The Unknown,” what it might be in their life that is uncertain, unclear, not known yet and how they relate to it. Listeners are invited to approach a particular challenge in their life with “The Unknown” with compassion and curiosity. They are guided to listen to—and give voice to—their feelings around it, and to discern what possible invitation or gift might be present within it.  


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Resources and References 


Show Notes  

1:15 - Heart CORe Group Coaching Program with Britta Eskey

3:04 - Britta reflects on the discussion, themes, and learning outcomes from our previously released episode

6:39 - Britta introduces today’s reading from the second initiation stage, The Call: “Letting Janosch Go”

7:32 - Britta gives a reading of today’s chosen excerpt from her book, Initiations in Love

16:47 - Britta asks processing questions to sense how you’ve been affected by the passage she read

17:38 - Britta invites you to grab paper and a writing utensil for journaling prompts

  • How has a loss or painful experience shaped your perspective on life?

  • What does ‘surrender to the Unknown’ mean to you?

  • Think of a time when you were at your emotional or psychological limits - what did that experience teach you about compassion for yourself?

  • In moments of great pain, what helps you stay present?

  • Reflect on a relationship or event that, although brief, had a profound impact on you - how does this memory continue to influence you today?

21:52 - Britta brings the episode to a close - offering blessings on your journey, encouraging curiosity, compassion, and sharing your exploration with someone who can hold space for you

22:54 - Heart CORe Group Coaching Program reminder

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