GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki podcast

Worship stops the noise of life.

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When you hold that breath,

you feel the Love that's been holding you. 

And then that Love takes care.

It takes on His form,

Her shape.

It changes everything.

Lift your hands up,

palms up,

 and see if you can feel the wind of change at hand.

Even if the air where you are is standing still,

this Breeze,

the Holy Spirit is moving. 

Detect It. 

This is worship.

I Love you,


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"Worship stops the noise of life.
Worship directs every fiber of our being
Heaven-ward." -Darlene Zschech

"Question: " How can we at any time ignore the realities of this world ? We're going to get run over at an intersection!
Robert: "That is not going to happen, because your body will take better care of itself than you could ever want it to. When you begin to search for yourself. When you begin to try to understand yourself, your body is not going to go to sleep or become dull. The same power that grows oranges on an orange tree, that grows wheat in the wheat field, will take care of you and will take care of your body.
Your work will be done better everything you do will be more efficient because you will no longer interfere with it. So you can keep your mind on God or your Self and your body will continue to do what it came here to do.
Try it. You'll be surprised"- Robert Adams, May 26th, 1991

"Great changes are in the wind, some will claim.
But it might be truer to say that the wind itself is change. The world you love is driven by forces beyond your comprehension or control. But you can be one with those forces and feel no fear of them so long as you are holding My hand.
I stand with you in the wind, and I am the wind.
The wind that was and the wind that is coming.
The wind that even now is lifting everything up to reveal the truth at hand." - Way of the Rose, Our Lady of Woodstock Speaks (through Carl Strand) 

"We are about our business. We are about the business of being human beings. And be cause of it, we find that the thoughts we entertain actually shut us off from God. We are separated from God by our own thoughts We move in a world, which is nothing more than our own thoughts externalized." -Herb Fitch, Infinite Way Book Study 

"You think about your bodily comforts. You think about food, lodging, work and money, health and whatever. It's those very thoughts that keep you away from your highest good. If you were able to stop your mind from thinking, a mysterious power would take over and you would find that you're in a better position than you've ever been in your life, by not thinking."- Robert Adams

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