FIDF Live podcast

FIDF LIVE Briefing: A retrospective on the past year with FIDF CEO Steven Weil - October 6, 2024

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FIDF CEO Steven Weil explains the history of Tzom Gedalia, the fast day that occurs the day after Rosh Hashanah on the Jewish calendar, and the significance of Rosh Hashanah and the auspicious period in the Jewish that follows, called the “Yamim Noraim,” the Days of Awe. Steven explains that the timing for a retrospective on the past year comes at the perfect time, following the recent monumental military achievement by the IDF of eliminating Nasrallah, causing devastating damage to Hezbollah. Yet, despite the recent triumph, and the year filled with tragedy, Jews have experienced an unprecedented wave of antisemitism in the west, under the guise of “anti-Zionism.” And despite the IDF’s efforts to minimize collateral damage during its campaign in Gaza, the world’s unbalanced criticism of Israel knew no bounds. In addition to the external criticism that the IDF in Israel had to weather over the past year are the 400+ soldiers that have fallen in battle, the injured who have live with physical trauma, and all of the soldiers who returned intact physically but must live the rest of their lives with PTSD and psychological trauma. And now, during these Days of Awe, as, according to Jewish tradition, the fate of the world hangs in the balance, Jews everywhere pray for the state of truth and justice, both for Israel and the world at large.  

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