Fat Murder Podcast podcast

EPISODE 24: Plan for Failure for More Consistent Weight Loss

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ANNOUNCEMENT: To get a sneak peek into my signature psychology-based program, Unstuffed, join us for the FREE LIVE TRAINING. You can snag all the details when you register HERE.


You probably realize that consistency is important for making progress, losing weight, getting in shape, and achieving success in most areas of life.


So if you’ve been struggling to lose weight it’s because there’s been a breakdown in consistency somewhere in your eating in a calorie deficit.


Without addressing this #1 problem, weight loss will become nearly impossible, because consistency is essential for success.


Unfortunately, this can breed an obsession with striving for perfection… which generally backfires.


It’s easy to convince yourself that if you don’t follow your diet perfectly, then you’ve failed… but in my case, striving for perfection is what eventually ignited my binge eating.


So if there’s anything I want you to take away from today’s conversation, it’s that it can be really easy to confuse being consistent with being perfect, but it's not required for success.


Join me as I share how to be consistent and how to avoid common mistakes and pitfalls, so you can turn your dream into a reality!


Connect with Leslie:  

If you’re struggling with emotional, binge, or feel out of control around food and you’re interested in personalized coaching, apply here.

  If you want to learn how to not-only lose weight, but lose the struggle along side it, you can get started by taking the Weight Loss Psychology Quiz: Discover Your Diet Personality Type     Also, if you're interested in learning more about my signature psychology-based group coaching program, Unstuffed, you can join the Interest List HERE.

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