Eidolon Playtest podcast

Eidolon EDM #1: Tension Rising

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xXx[FinDom]xXx wrote (5:34a LST): once again i find myself enjoying an episode for entirely different reasons than most, because i am burdened to be one of the few who knows what subtext is. yeah, sure, your boy got his kiss. but here's the thing: for a genre that's usually notorious for dragging out the will-they-won't-they until the heat death of the universe, Courtship sure is pushing rembrandt really hard, huh? almost like it wants you to think that's what's "supposed" to happen, which is the same opinion held by Starcadia's parents? Aurelia's glance wasn't just generically "meaningful," it was asking Star a question: is this what you want? it clearly points to Starelia being endgame. rembrandt is just a pit stop along the way. also, goddammit, why is it always elves? "my unique and mysterious alien race looks exactly like if we put some modeling putty on a human's ear." wow how exciting i'm so intrigued. i bet they're gonna really strain the budget two episodes from now when we meet a new alien who's got nose ridges or some shit CREDITS: Iris Christianson as Trace Vector Tyberius Wilson as Bridgerton Larch Zoe Tunnell as Genevieve St. Cloud Crystal Zaslavchik as Leila Marino, Lietunant of Mare Cognitum Luke Varner as The GM Additional Voices by Max Knightley MUSIC BY MAX KNIGHTLEY EDITED BY LUKE VARNER CONTENT WARNING: This episode contains knife violence and body horror.

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