Dr. Simone’s Mind Space podcast

Back to school: organization skills

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Many children and their parents discuss and struggle with the same topic over and over: keeping school and generally for adults, their “stuff” organized. In order to be successful in school and generally in life, we very clear need how to organize individual people, small and big groups. The better we keep track of things, the less time we’d actually need and the less physical and mental effort would be required.

We’d be able to allocate our resources to other things, which are most likely more stimulating and intellectually more demanding and interesting. It saves us a lot of mental space, that’s then free to be used  in more creative ways. This is also one of the explanations, why we often miss out on qualitative time, not “contaminated” with re- or post-organizing.


Write a to-do list

-Plan your outfits and outfits of your child

-Always return things to the place they belong

-Routines rock as always

-Have a routine in getting ready in the morning and evening unpack your belongings for yourself and your child

-Engage all family members in keeping their belongings organized

-An organized room, apartment keeps you accountable and sets a scene to be all planned out

-Use a decluttering and gifting to charity approach for the entire family to avoid piling up too much stuff

-Go with the flow, if organization doesn’t work out one day

-Let children play and have them after playing and pulling out everything return the toys





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