Divorced but not dead, yet. podcast

People Pleasing Didn’t Save My Marriage

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My entire life I've been a people pleaser. At the time, I viewed it as being selfless. I spent my life neglecting my wants and needs in an effort to make others happy. Of course, I brought my people-pleasing ways into my marriage. I thought that being "selfless" would get me the love and approval I craved. I found myself shrinking who I was, never saying no or holding him accountable. Eventually, I realized that I had to love myself more than I loved my partner. That being a people pleaser eventually caused me to not only feel neglected and abandoned by my ex, but also by myself. I wanted to be loved more than I wanted to be myself. That was true and that was a problem. Another hard truth is that doing all of that did not maintain my marriage. Through therapy and self reflection, I'm working hard to get rid of my people-pleasing ways to create the life I want and deserve. Connect with me on Instagram @Divorcednotdeadyet https://www.instagram.com/divorcednotdeadyet?igsh=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ%3D%3D&utm_source=qr As mentioned in this weeks podcast “Worthy” by Jamie Kern Lima https://www.instagram.com/jamiekernlima?igsh=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==

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