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This week we discuss the concept of 'Doing it Poorly'. I learned that almost 85% of people quit on their New Year's resolutions on the second Friday in January, also known as, "Quitters Day". I've been one of those people year after year and I finally realized why. I put such high expectations on myself. Setting goals that were completely out of character or routine for myself. As soon as I wavered from this new and improved made-up version of myself, I used it as a reason to quit. Doing it poorly means just giving what you have for the task, even if it's a fraction of your original expectation. Instead of reading a whole chapter, read one page. Instead of exercising for an hour, commit to ten minutes. I've realized once I get started 'Doing it Poorly', I find the energy to complete my initial goal. Let's commit to creating the lives we want and deserve this year, even if it's one tiny step at a time. Connect with me on Instagram @divorcednotdeadyet https://www.instagram.com/divorcednotdeadyet?igsh=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ%3D%3D&utm_source=qr

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