Cleaning Up: Leadership in an Age of Climate Change podcast

Lifting the Curtain on Climate Denial — Naomi Oreskes — Cleaning Up Redux

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Happy New Year from all of us here at Cleaning Up. This week we’re bringing you one from our archive of almost 200 episodes. It’s a conversation Bryony Worthington had with Naomi Oreskes in October 2023,  her very first episode as a co-host for Cleaning Up.  

Naomi Oreskes is the Henry Charles Lea Professor of the History of Science and Affiliated Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Harvard University. A world-renowned earth scientist, historian and public speaker, she is the author of the best-selling book, Merchants of Doubt, and a leading voice on the role of science in society and the role of disinformation in blocking climate action, a topic that feels more relevant than ever. 

Please enjoy, and we’ll be back with Season 14 of Cleaning Up on January 8th.

More episodes from "Cleaning Up: Leadership in an Age of Climate Change"