BetaTalk - The Renewable Energy and Low Carbon Heating Podcast podcast

You are a Special Group of People - Thank you

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As the title states, you are a very special group of people to me. You listen to me ramble on about heating for a start and I am very grateful for that.. So, thank you. I appreciate that very much.

This is the first episode of 2024 and I wanted to do something a bit special. Something for you.

As you know, this podcast is called BetaTALK... and the talk aspect is very important. In order to help accelerate the mainstream adoption of transitional heating technologies we first need people to start talking about them. We need to get people talking about heating in a positive and fun way. So how do we do that?

This is something I care about and I know this is something you care about too. You care about getting people to talk about heating. But it's challenging.

So, to help you,  Lawrence and I have developed a tool. It's a practical tool and it will  engender conversations around heating.

It's new, it's fun, and it's very quirky.

Take a listen and meet my partner Lawrence... together we have started up Jouln  

As well as home owner listeners if you are associated with Local Authorities, Social Housing Groups, construction companies and even energy suppliers and interested in Digital Twins /artificial intelligence and how  they can help you then please contact us at [email protected]

Once again, thank you for being part of something special.

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