Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe Podcast Collection podcast

Parsha: Terumah - The Mystery of the Menorah (5782)

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This week's Parsha marks the beginning of the Torah's detailing of the Tabernacle and its vessels and operations. This subject makes up the bulk of the remaining narrative of Exodus, and Leviticus contains much of the laws related to the Tabernacle. We have never witnessed the Tabernacle, nor it's successor, the Temple in Jerusalem. The whole notion of a dwelling house for God is somewhat strange to us. What can we take out of these sections? In this special edition of the Parsha Podcast we discover that the answer is quite a lot. This episode orients around the Menorah, the candelabra that was lit in the Tabernacle each night. We discover what it represents, we ponder it's various symbolisms, and we sketch out a new approach for implementing the lessons of the Menorah in our lives today.

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