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Overwhelm and stress are sneaky, and will always try to work themselves into our life.

Although we can't completely avoid them, having the tools to recognize and quickly work through them is powerful.

Healthy habits are for more than just nutrition and fitness, but working to have a high EQ (emotional intelligence) for yourself and others and being intentional with your choices to work through hard times will help you to feel calmer, more in control, and maintain a healthy balance of stress in your life.




2025: Hello / Goodbye Playlist

Tidal: https://tidal.com/browse/playlist/8b909d05-f1fa-4eba-88ff-c8571aac6c3e

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6jv87DuQfexSEWCA6BcRrB?si=Z_RLfEYeQOigmba78oUFGw 


1:1 Coaching: https://www.shannonmarqueta.com/coaching


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Facebook Community: https://bit.ly/afreshstartsupport 

5-Day Meal Plan: https://www.shannonmarqueta.com/ 



TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@shannonmarqueta

IG: https://www.instagram.com/shannonmarqueta/ 

Email: [email protected]

More episodes from "A FRESH START - Healthy Habits, Time Management Hacks, Positive Thinking, Body Confidence, Mindset, Professional Busy Women"