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Being "always on" or available is not healthy.

People love it because it serves them, but I would argue it does more harm than good - for others and yourself.

You need to know it's ok to have healthy boundaries, and the more you level-up and stop people-pleasing, the more you will be able to perform at a high level because you are taking time for you.




2025: Hello / Goodbye Playlist

Tidal: https://tidal.com/browse/playlist/8b909d05-f1fa-4eba-88ff-c8571aac6c3e

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6jv87DuQfexSEWCA6BcRrB?si=Z_RLfEYeQOigmba78oUFGw 


1:1 Coaching: https://www.shannonmarqueta.com/coaching


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5-Day Meal Plan: https://www.shannonmarqueta.com/ 



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More episodes from "A FRESH START - Healthy Habits, Time Management Hacks, Positive Thinking, Body Confidence, Mindset, Professional Busy Women"