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Portion control is such an important piece to our health journey, and is within our control, but just like anything - it's also easy to ignore.

Whether you tend to over or under eat, portion control can help you improve your health and save money by eating good foods and the proper amounts.

If you're unsure where to start, this episode gives takeaway tips and resources to learn more and plan for your personal goals.




1:1 Coaching: https://www.shannonmarqueta.com/coaching


Free Stuff:

Facebook Community: https://bit.ly/afreshstartsupport 

5-Day Meal Plan: https://www.shannonmarqueta.com/ 


Connect: https://www.instagram.com/shannonmarqueta/ 

Contact me: [email protected]


Episode Mentions:

Portion Fix (21 Day Fix Meal Plan): https://bchbody.life/4cvVfr4 

2B Mindset: https://bchbody.life/3RXpKxK 

Plateware Set: https://ilanahousewares.com/products/the-complete-stoneware-set 

More episodes from "A FRESH START - Healthy Habits, Time Management Hacks, Positive Thinking, Body Confidence, Mindset, Professional Busy Women"