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Having support in life can make such a difference, with confidence and assurance.

Not feeling supported can also have an impactful effect, making us doubt and question ourselves.

Whether or not you feel supported can have a lot to do with your personal belief and perspective, your willingness to share and open up to invite others in, and how much you rely on others for your decision-making.

Today we're diving into the reality of others' comments, our need for building our personal confidence and assurance, and how to better support those we care about too.




1:1 Coaching: https://www.shannonmarqueta.com/coaching


Free Stuff:

Facebook Community: https://bit.ly/afreshstartsupport 

5-Day Meal Plan: https://www.shannonmarqueta.com/ 


Connect: https://www.instagram.com/shannonmarqueta/ 

Contact me: [email protected]


Episode Mentions:

Letters to Juliet (Movie): https://shorturl.at/G2xrP 

More episodes from "A FRESH START - Healthy Habits, Time Management Hacks, Positive Thinking, Body Confidence, Mindset, Professional Busy Women"