Book Study #1: Searching for and Maintaining Peace
This is the first episode of a six part book study over "Searching for and Maintaining Peace" by Fr. Jacques Philippe. I am joined by Katie Novitsky and Stefani Blackwell, and we go over the preface along with chapters 1-3 in pt. 1 of the book. We discuss how peace is essential if we want to serve and love others--namely, our families. This peace, as Fr. Jacques Philippe asserts, can only be found through Jesus Christ. Jesus, who knows us and loves us, will never abandon us to our anxieties, but if we come to Him and give our lives to Him, He will grant us never-ending peace. Join us next week for episode 2, where we will discuss part 1, chapters 4-7. Episode schedule: January 21st - preface, pt 1: ch 1-3 January 28th - pt. 1: ch 4-7 February 4th - pt. 2, ch 1-6 February 11th - pt. 2, ch 7-12 February 18th - pt. 2, ch 13-18 February 25th - pt. 3 Discussion Questions: 1. Coming into this book study, where in your life do you currently see peace? Where are you desiring more peace? 2. Share one quote from this section that was especially meaningful to you. 3. On pg. 8, Fr. Jacques tells about Saint Seraphin of Sarov, who brought multitudes toward him because of his peacefulness. Who in your life is an example of that same magnetic peacefulness? 4. Jesus says, “Without me you can do nothing.” How does that make you feel (cared for, powerless, defensive, empowered, etc.) and why do you think that is? 5. On pg. 6, it says that maintaining peace is “not an invitation to laziness and inaction,” but to act “under the impulse of the Holy Spirit… and not in a spirit of disquietude, agitation, or excessive hurry.” Describe a time when you’ve seen yourself act in either of these ways. 5. Ch. 3 reminds us that our life will be a “constant and sometimes painful battle” against temptation and sin. How can someone remain in peace if that is the truth? 6. Reflect on Hebrews 12:4-13. How does our negative view of discipline point to a “worldly” perspective? How can we shift our view to be more “heavenly” so that we may view discipline as a form of love?
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