3 is the Magic Number podcast

Nels Hylton on his Top 3 favourite albums of the 00s (S2 - E7)

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All we hear is radio ga ga this week, as we return from a few weeks of new season regulars back to the straight and narrow of Matt + Remfry + Guest = Episode. On today's podcast we welcome BBC Radio 1 DJ and Future Alternative show host Nels Hylton to discuss and dissect his Top 3, which given the guest, is very very on brand. Hoorah!

Nels talks about his Top 3 Favourite Albums Of The 00’s a topic with an almost infinite number of choices. Amongst some classic picks he also talks at length about one album and band very close to his heart, a dear to him, almost unearthed gem. I would give anyone a very large pile of gold if they guessed it ahead of listening to the pod chat. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!

The chat over in that wonderful corner of recommendations this week sees the gang talk about a wonderful album and band, a new band and their EP and a world famous graphic novel series. Tasty!

We end the podcast with an incredibly strong Tuesday Top 3, a few shout outs, the reveal for next weeks guest and this weeks free indie label advert comes from the truly awesome Alcopop. Enjoy!

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