The Mindful Healers Podcast with Dr. Jessie Mahoney and Dr. Ni-Cheng Liang podcast

201. The Power of Wishing with Alexa Fisher

Spola tillbaka 15 sekunder
Spola framåt 15 sekunder

Wishing is not indulgent or fluff. Wishing is powerful, strategic, and fun. 

Alexa Fisher is the founder of Wishbeads “the original intention-setting jewelry.”  Her Wishbead bracelets are an integral part of my retreat business.

My personal Wishbead bracelets are partly responsible for my big wish (dream) coming to fruition recently.  

Wishing is a form of intention setting. As such it releases motivational neurochemicals such as dopamine and acetylcholine.

Wishes don't just happen.  They require courage. Courage to let your true desires be seen and to share them with others.

When you choose a wish and live into manifesting it, you begin to actively call in what’s needed for your wish to come true.  You connect with people who can help you. Those people connect you with others. You begin to see yourself as someone to whom things like your wishes happen. You grow to believe in yourself and the process.

There is no right wish and no right way to wish.

Many of us feel guilty about wishing for something we desire. And even more guilty when our wishes come true. Like it might not be allowed or fair to others. That we don’t deserve it. That our wish coming true might make others feel bad. Many people hide when wishes come true.  They minimize the story of how their dreams and wishes happened because they are worried about being judged. Hiding our wishes and dreams helps no one. Hiding when they come true is wasteful.

What if others are inspired to take action towards a more aligned authentic and joy-filled life because they witnessed wishes coming true? 

What if they choose to pursue their own dreams and wishes because their eyes have been opened to possibility?

If you want to get started on wishing your own desires into existence, join me at a retreat. It's the first step out of waiting for things to get better and instead making them better. It's the first step towards your wishes coming true.

  • “An unparalled expereince”

  • “It's worth it and can help shift the trajectory of your life for the better in ways you may never have expected!”

  • “More valuable than I can say. In the one week since the retreat, I have felt and made some big internal and external shifts in my life. I am living and practicing medicine in different ways."

  • "This was a deep and profoundly healing experience.”

  • “This is an investment in your health and that of your loved ones and your career. Invaluable!”


If you can't make a retreat happen yet, coach with me- 1:1 or in a small group

*Nothing shared in the Mindful Healers Podcast is medical advice.


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