The Slow Living Collective podcast

How to thrive as the season's shift

Spola tillbaka 15 sekunder
Spola framåt 15 sekunder

I am not going to lie, I feel like a bit of a hypocrite as I come to you today. I have spent the last week battling against the tide of people who have decided it is autumn already as we’ve had a little bit of cooler weather. I joke of course, but it's a great jumping off point for today's post.

I get it though. I love Autumn.

But summer has been sparse and in such short supply, I don’t want us to short-change ourselves and switch seasons a month early. Summer, when you follow in alignment with the wheel of the year and the true change of the seasons, will go on through most of the month of September, with autumn beginning at autumn equinox, on the 22nd of September 2024. This means we will have almost an entire month left of the summer season.

But that doesn’t mean those seasonal changes aren’t going to show their head over the coming weeks, because they are, and many of us already feel that change in the air.

So what I want to share today is this: embrace the last month of summer because autumn and winter is long and arduous for many of us, but notice those seasonal changes as they come. As late summer moves into early autumn is a time of beauty, of change and of introspection. It is, without doubt, my favourite time of year.

Let’s slow down and journey together through the seasons with simplicity and mindfulness. Subscribe for simple musings directly to your inbox.

As summer draws to a close and the first signs of autumn begin to appear, it can be a bittersweet transition. Autumn is like nature’s way of giving us a gentle nudge to embrace change, I think more than any other season. As we move from the vibrant energy of summer into the quieter, cooler months, the crisp air and the stunning display of colour autumn brings reminds us of life’s ever-changing nature. More than any other seasonal change autumn brings that feeling of the cyclical nature of life. Maybe it’s the introspection of looking ahead to what will always be, for most of us, a cold, bitter period of time.

Autumn is a season that naturally encourages us to slow down, reflect, and soak in the beauty of the present moment. With the days growing shorter and nights stretching longer, autumn offers a perfect opportunity to turn inward and take stock of the year that’s flown by. During the harvest season, it's a great time to look back on what we've planted and achieved in our personal lives.

There’s a certain magic in the autumn air, a nostalgic whisper that stirs memories of past seasons. The cooling temperatures and the comforting scents of pumpkin and cinnamon have a way of evoking feelings of warmth and fondness. I know for me, more than any other season, autumn brings a period of introspection and reflection. I call autumn my “coming inside” season. It is a season where I come inside physically as I spend more time inside, but also retreat more inward and reflect. Autumn has a natural sense of closure, and this invites us to let go of what no longer serves us, making room for renewal and fresh starts. This is a powerful time for reflection and growth, blending the beauty of change with a reminder to cherish every moment.

Autumn is a season of transition — and just as nature adjusts to it’s new rhythm, so too can we. Living seasonally isn’t a fad or a trend, it is the most natural way of living. When we commit ourselves to embracing the ebb and flow of the seasons, we are living in true alignment with who were are as humans. Living seasonally isn’t a trend because it is the way we have lived on this planet since humans first walked it. Living by the seasons, the moon, the sun - it is as about as close to natural to us as possible.

But the modern world shifted things.

It took our most natural way of being and shifted it into something different. The modern world has convinced us to live like it’s an eternal summer, a way of living where we operate the same all year round and don’t ebb and flow. It’s convinced us to hustle, to be productive, to always be switched on. It took the most natural way of being and spun it 180 degrees so our lives were unrecognisable.

And for most of us, it’s all we’ve ever known. If anything, it’s living in line with the seasons that now feels new and strange.

So how can we get back there?

When we learn how to align ourselves with the ebb and flow of the seasons, we can better relate to the energy of autumn and then we are better able to thrive in this season of transformation. The moment in time where the seasons shift (from late summer into early autumn) and through into autumn.

Say goodbye to the chaos of a disconnected, 24/7 lifestyle, and say hello to a life in sync with the ever-shifting rhythms of the year - Rooted in Seasons

Right now I am doing something big, bold and audacious and I am upgrading my signature course Rooted in Season’s to include things beyond just seasonal living.

Rooted in Season’s is currently a course about how to get started with living in alignment with the seasons. Soon it will be a course about embracing a slow and simple life, living in alignment with the seasons, creating a life that feels food and embracing a life full of intentionality. It will be about living with intention and purpose, rather than living by default.

The course will cost £97, but I currently have it on sale for £27 until Monday. You will get all the upgrades and resources the new course has to offer so this is a great deal - so just thought I would share so you don’t miss it if it sounds like it’s for you.

And if you can’t tell I really dislike trying to sell anything!

So what might this look like?

It might look like embracing the slower pace as the seasons slowly switch over, nourishing our bodies with seasonal produce (maybe that we’ve even harvested from our own garden), giving our bodies and mind space with what they need as the wheel of the year begins to turn once more.

And as autumn arrives, finding joy in the simple and cosy moments that the season offers.

Thriving as autumn arrives isn’t just about surviving the seasonal shift; it’s about flourishing in it. It’s about consciously tuning into the season’s cues—whether that’s spending more time in reflection, savouring the warmth of seasonal foods, or creating a cosy space that invites relaxation and comfort as the season turns. When you live in harmony with the rhythms of the seasons and the impending autumn, we can find balance, peace, and a renewed sense of wellbeing as we prepare for the winter ahead.

Let’s slow down and journey together through the seasons with simplicity and mindfulness. Subscribe for simple musings directly to your inbox.

Mindful Reflection as the seasons turn

One of the best ways to harness this season’s energy is through mindful reflection. Grab your journal, get cosy, and dive into some prompts like the one’s I have created for you below. These aren’t just feel-good exercises — they’re about getting honest with yourself and clearing out the mental clutter so you can make space for what truly matters.

Mindful Journal Questions as the seasons change:

* What am I ready to release this season? It’s time to clear out the mental clutter. What’s been holding you back or weighing you down? Let’s make room for the good stuff by letting go of what’s no longer serving you.

* What’s bringing me the most joy right now? Take a minute to soak in those feel-good moments. What’s lighting you up these days? How can you sprinkle more of that joy throughout your life as we step into autumn?

* How can I align my personal goals with the natural rhythm of autumn? Autumn is all about change and renewal. How can you set goals that vibe with the season’s energy? Let’s get intentional and align your dreams with the cosy, reflective spirit of fall.

* What lessons have I learned from the past season, and how can they guide me into autumn? Look back on the last few months—what’s stood out to you? What’s challenged you? How can those lessons help you step into autumn feeling wiser and more centred?

* In what areas of my life do I crave more balance, and how can I nurture that balance during autumn? Where are things feeling a bit out of whack? Let’s talk balance (not my favourite phrase, but let’s role with it) — what can you do this season to bring a little more harmony and peace into your daily life?

And if you’re into meditation, try focusing on gratitude and setting intentions that align with the season.

Some intentions I am setting ahead of the arrival of autumn:

* I intend to let go of any habits or thoughts that no longer serve me, creating space for new growth.

* I intend to cultivate more gratitude in my daily life, appreciating the small, cosy moments.

* I intend to nourish my body with seasonal, wholesome foods that support my wellbeing.

* I intend to practice mindfulness daily, staying present and grounded as the season shifts.

* I intend to continue to spend time in nature, connecting with the beauty of the changing season.

I would love to know what your intentions are as the summer slowly moves into autumn. Be sure to leave me a comment below.

Whatever reflections come to mind for you this season (and remember, everyone’s journey with slow, simple and seasonal living looks different) picture yourself planting seeds for what you want to grow in your life — whether that’s more creativity, deeper connections, or just a bit more peace in your day-to-day. By syncing up your personal goals with autumn’s vibe of change and renewal, you’re setting yourself up to not just survive the season, but thrive in it with purpose and clarity.

Summer is still here though

As August wraps up and we tiptoe into September, we’re caught in that sweet spot where summer’s not quite ready to say goodbye but autumn’s got its sights set on us. It’s like the universe is giving us one last sun-soaked hurrah before we dive into cosy jumpers and pumpkin everything (hands up if you can’t wait to get everything pumpkin out). The days are still warm and filled with that late-summer magic, perfect for soaking up every last bit of sunshine. But if you tune into it, if you live in alignment with the seasons, you’ll start to notice those subtle hints that autumn is just around the corner: cooler mornings, the sun’s golden glow turning softer, and maybe even a few leaves starting to hint at their autumn colours.

September is like that dreamy in-between month, where we get to savour the best of both worlds. It’s the perfect time to squeeze in those last summer adventures (in fact, I still have a late summer holiday to look forward to in September), while also starting to embrace the cosy vibes of autumn. Let’s soak up every bit of summer’s warmth while it is here, because the cold and dark months are long. It’s all about enjoying the now, while also getting excited for the changes ahead.

How do you feel about the cusp seasons? How do you feel about September? Is September still summer for you? Or are you ready for autumn by the time September rolls around?

If you’re loving the journey of embracing slow, simple, and seasonal living, don’t miss out on all the ways we can stay connected. Tune into my podcast for deep dives into living intentionally and celebrating the rhythms of each season. Follow me on Instagram for daily doses of inspiration, practical tips, and a peek into our slow-living adventures.

Ready to take it a step further? Check out our Rooted in Seasons course for a comprehensive guide to cultivating a more grounded, seasonal lifestyle. And, of course, subscribe to right here on Substack for curated content delivered straight to your inbox, brimming with insights and inspiration to help you live your best slow and simple life.

Let’s embrace each season together—join us on this beautiful journey!

So for now, it’s the perfect time to bask in the last of summer’s warmth, squeezing in those last sunny moments and making memories that will carry us through the cooler months ahead.

So, take a moment to soak up the last of those sun-drenched days, and then start easing into all the cosy autumn vibes. Dim the lights, plan those snug nights in with your favourite blankets, and savour the perfect blend of summer fun and autumn comfort.

Here’s to making this transition as smooth as possible and filled with joy, intention, and a whole lot of warmth — both inside and out.

Embrace the shift with open arms, and let the beauty of this in-between season warm your heart and soul.

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