The Attracting Lasting Love Podcast podcast

166 The Path of Spiritual Awakening, Pt. 5: The Destination—A Conversation with Jim Dethmer

Spola tillbaka 15 sekunder
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This series on spiritual awakening has been conceptual in nature so far, and rightly so. We need to understand what awakening is (and isn’t).  We need to know what starts us on a true spiritual journey (and what doesn’t), and we need a map that shows us how to get there. Those are some of the things that have been covered so far in this series.


But now that the conceptual foundation has been laid, we need an up-close-and-personal conversation with an awakened being, and that’s what we have here.


In this episode, Roy interviews his long-time friend and mentor, Jim Dethmer. Jim is the co-founder of The Conscious Leadership Group, the co-author of The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership, but more than anything else, Jim’s life is about awakening and spiritual realization.


People like Michael Singer, Eckhart Tolle or Byron Katie are rarely interviewed. And when they teach in large group settings, they rarely get personal and describe their own journey from beginning to end.


But in this episode, you get both. You get to hear from an enlightened person, and you get to hear him talk about his journey and what he’s learned along the way. This is the best episode ever produced by this podcast. Don’t miss it.

Jim's Blog referred to in this episode


Additional Resources Roy may have mentioned on the show:


Roy’s Website:


Roy’s Relationship Fitness Self-Assessment Test:


Roy’s 3 Books:

·      Relationship Bootcamp:

·      Attracting Lasting Love:

·      A Drink with Legs:



Roy’s Group Coaching Program:


Roy’s Complimentary 45-min. Coaching Session: To set up an appointment, email him at [email protected] or call his cell 407-687-3387.


The Attracting Lasting Love podcast explores the dynamics of mature and adult dating, delving into the issues of emotional intelligence, the law of attraction, and the quest for a life partner or soulmate, while offering conscious insights and mindful advice on navigating modern relationships.

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