Made For Living Well podcast

#344: The Surprising Benefits of Sugar

Spola tillbaka 15 sekunder
Spola framåt 15 sekunder

Food has a lot of power in the health space. It might even be the reigning king, but sometimes, it's distracting you from more important issues. Take sugar, for instance. It's not the villain in the story. In fact, there are many benefits of sugar (some may surprise you).

Spoiler to tip one: Your body needs sugar.

Unfortunately, our use of processed and modified sugars has led many people to overconsume them, creating a cascade of health problems associated with sugar. But to clarify, those problems exist not because you consumed sugar but because it causes instability or a rise in your blood glucose levels that are outside your homeostatic balance.

I think it's important to clarify the problem - that sugar is not the problem but the instability or spikes in your blood glucose - when you understand this, you can focus more on blood glucose regulation and less on restriction.

Inside this podcast, I teach you the benefits of sugar, including why you need it, what happens when you eliminate it, the addiction behind it, and the real problem (that is less about sugar and more about stress).

Listen to today's episode to learn more:

Listen To The Rest Of The Health School Episodes:


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This FREE energy quiz to determine your metabolic output.
This FREE download to track your body temperature and pulse rate.

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