News For Kids podcast

Working at the Penguin Post Office

Spola tillbaka 15 sekunder
Spola framåt 15 sekunder
Working at the Penguin Post Office Five people from the U.K. got amazing summer jobs. From November to March, they're going to work in Antarctica! 五個英國人得到一份很棒的暑期工作。從十一月到明年三月,他們要在南極洲工作。 The jobs are at the Penguin Post Office! It's the farthest post office to the south! One thousand five hundred penguins live outside it! 他們會在南極企鵝郵局工作,這間是全世界最南邊的郵局,還有1500隻企鵝在周圍生活。 About 18,000 people visit every summer! They're cruise ship passengers. They send 80,000 letters and postcards! 每年夏天,大約有1萬8千名搭郵輪的遊客會拜訪南極,寄出大約8萬封的信件跟明信片。 Life at the post office is an adventure. It snows every day so they shovel lots of snow! There's no running water. They empty the toilet every day. 在這個郵局生活本身就是一場冒險。員工每天都需要剷雪。那裡沒有水,所以每天都要清理馬桶。 Cruise ships come a few times a week. They give the workers drinking water. The workers take showers on the ships! Ahhhhh… 郵輪每周會來幾次提供飲用水,郵局員工也可以到郵輪上洗澡。 The penguins are the best part of the job. The workers count them! The worst part is smelling penguin poop day and night! Peeeyuuuu! 這份工作最棒的地方是企鵝,員工每天都會數企鵝,但最糟糕的是白天晚上都會聞到企鵝的大便。 The five new Penguin Post Office workers are going to have an amazing Antarctic adventure! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vocabulary 在企鵝郵局工作,可能沒有想像中那麼好玩。 1. visit 拜訪 I'm so ready for my summer vacation! 我完全準備好過暑假了! Do you plan to visit friends? 你計畫去拜訪朋友嗎? Friends in Penghu.澎湖的朋友。 2. amazing 驚人的 The ocean is very beautiful there. 那裡的海非常美麗。 Sounds amazing! 聽起來真棒! It really is. 確實是。 3. day and night 白天夜晚 And I'd like to swim there day and night. 我白天晚上都要在那裡游泳。 Sleeping outside under the moon. 睡在外面月光底下。 4. outside 外面 Sleeping outside by the sea? 睡在外面的海邊? Yeah, the sea will be shining, and you'll hear the waves. 對啊,海面閃閃發光,還聽到海浪聲。 Wow! 你暑假想去哪裡? visit拜訪 amazing驚人的 day and night白天夜晚 outside外面 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quiz 1. Where is this post office? a. The U.K b. Antarctica c. The Arctic 2. How many people visit the post office every summer? a. 8,000 b. 18,000 c. 80,000 3. What is the best part of working at this post office? a. The toilet b. The smell c. The penguins Answers: 1. b 2. b 3. c

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