News For Kids podcast

The Solar Eclipse and Citizen Scientists

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The Solar Eclipse and Citizen Scientists Have you heard of solar eclipses? The moon goes between the sun and the Earth. The moon blocks the sun for a short time. 你聽過日蝕嗎? 當月球運行到太陽跟地球中間,太陽會被月球的陰影遮住一段時間。 During a total solar eclipse, the moon blocks all of the sun. But we can see the sun’s corona. It's the fuzzy white circle around the dark moon. 日全蝕是月亮完全遮蔽太陽。但我們還是可以看到日冕,是暗黑的月球周圍一圈白白、模糊的光。 The sun’s wind, the solar wind, comes out of the corona. The solar wind is very strong. It affects the Earth! 太陽風從日冕射出,它是個很強的能量會影響地球。 There was a total solar eclipse on April 8th. People saw the eclipse in a line from Mexico to Canada. It was four minutes in each place on the line. 4月8號在橫跨墨西哥到加拿大一條線上的民眾可以看到4分鐘的日全蝕。 Scientists wanted to get pictures of the corona from many places on the line. But how? 科學家想要拿到從不同地方拍攝的日冕照片,怎麼做呢? They got help from citizen scientists. These people aren't scientists. But they get information for scientists. They took many pictures of the corona. 他們從公民科學家得到幫助,這些人不是科學家,但他們會提供資訊給科學家,他們拍了很多日冕的照片。 The scientists made a ninety-minute movie with these pictures. The movie shows them changes in the corona and the solar wind! 科學家用這些照片製作了一部長達90分鐘的電影,可以看到日冕跟太陽風的變化。 Thanks to citizen scientists, scientists are learning more about the sun's corona and the solar wind! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 碰到日全蝕這樣的天文奇觀,世界各地的人都可以幫科學家的忙。 1. dark 黑暗的 Hey, did you catch the solar eclipse yesterday? 你有看到昨天的日蝕嗎? How could I miss it? 我怎麼可能錯過? The sky was dark.天空都是黑的。 2. citizen 公民 I took lots of pictures.我拍了好多照片。 That’s great! You can be a citizen scientist helping NASA out. 真棒,你可以當幫忙太空總署的公民科學家。 Oh, I didn’t know NASA studied children.我不知道太空總署研究小孩。 3. picture 照片、圖片 What? I thought you took pictures of the sun. 什麼啊?我以為你是拍太陽的照片。 Where’s the fun in that? 那有什麼好玩的? 4. strong 強烈的 Children are the best. 小孩才是最好的。 They have a strong interest in the eclipse.他們對日蝕有強烈的興趣。 來一起讀單字。 dark黑暗的 citizen公民 picture照片、圖片 strong強烈的 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quiz 1. What is blocked during a solar eclipse? a. The moon b. The Earth c. The sun 2. What comes out of the corona? a. Fuzzy circles b. Solar winds c. Moon winds 3. How did citizen scientists help scientists on April 8th? a. Took pictures b. Saw changes c. Made a movie Answers: 1. c 2. b 3. a

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