#125 Erin Lyons - Quantum Jumping Explained: Upgrade Your Manifestation Skills
Erin Lyons joins the podcast to discuss the New Earth, parallel realities, as well as a channeled message from Source consciousness. As a high-level channel, Erin Lyons communicates with SOURCE, the angelic realms, galactic beings, ascended masters, entire Universes, and more. Her work is described as quantum, cosmic, and shamanic, blending powerful modalities such as light language, akashic healing, quantum touch, and more to facilitate energetic transformation on a cellular, subconscious, and DNA level.Her role in the global awakening on Earth is to rebalance the divine feminine and masculine templates, assist in healing deep collective trauma, and transmit encoded information to elevate the planet's vibrational frequency through quantum ascension technology.With the support of her spiritual teams of light, she guides clients and the community toward realizing their most fulfilling reality of alignment, prosperity, and inner mastery.In this interview, Erin Lyons and Emilio Ortiz discuss various topics related to spirituality, consciousness, and the nature of reality. They touch on subjects such as activating places on Earth, inner Earth civilizations, UFO sightings, and the role of ships. They also explore Erin's personal journey of spiritual awakening. They discuss the importance of understanding ourselves as creators of our reality and the principles of the law of attraction. Erin also shares insights into parallel realities and the role of the next wave of children in creating a high-vibrational civilization.___________________PODCAST CHAPTERS00:00:00 - Erin Lyons Intro00:03:52 - Spiritual Awakening in College & Integration00:07:16 - Manifesting the Highest Vision for Life00:10:44 - Demystifying Wealth, Abundance and Worthiness00:14:18 - Channeling Source and Spirituality00:17:43 - Recognition of Spiritual Calling 00:21:15 - Shifting Frequencies and Future Potentials00:24:37 - Overcoming Challenges through Quantum Manifestation00:35:25 - Parallel Realities of Earth00:38:59 - The Concept of Reincarnation & Perception00:46:08 - The Feminine Essence00:49:51 - Interacting with Advanced Technology as Galactic Races00:53:40 - The Assistance of the Anunnaki in Early Developments00:57:32 - Being a Secret Agent of Source01:01:00 - Galactic Beings01:04:43 - Experiencing UFOs and Energetic Exchange01:08:16 - Misunderstanding and Acceptance01:11:27 - Choosing the Family Lineage for Incarnation01:14:52 - DNA activation and Consciousness01:18:31 - Parallel versions of Earth01:22:00 - Understanding Vibration and Frequency01:25:27 - The Connection Between Video Games and Reality01:28:59 - Frequencies of Perfection01:33:05 - Blessings for Seven___________________Guest: Erin Lyons, Channeler Website | https://www.erinlyonsofficial.com/YouTube Channel | @erinlyonstv Erin's Thrive Collective Membership | https://www.erinlyonsofficial.com/thrive-membership1:1 Activation Sessions with Erin | https://www.erinlyonsofficial.com/private-1-1Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/erinlyonsofficial/Erin's Mastermind | https://www.erinlyonsofficial.com/priestess-portal-mastermindHost: Emilio OrtizInstagram | https://www.instagram.com/iamemilioortiz/Subscribe to YouTube Channel | @EmilioOrtiz Watch Emilio's latest series on 4biddenknowledge TV l https://bit.ly/AwakenThe6thSense___________________Special Offerings to Support the Show:✦ Make a One-Time or Recurring Donation on PayPal 👉 https://bit.ly/donate-justtapinpodcast✦ Receive 15% off any purchase from Ra Optics, the world's best blue-light-blocking glasses. Use our code "justtapin" at checkout for your special discount - https://bit.ly/RaOptics-EmilioOrtiz