Other Figures of Speech for God’s Saving Acts - Part 2
(1) Let us turn our attention to discuss a number of important TERMS that are used in the Bible and Christian literature that speak of the way sinners are made right WITH God and reconciled TO God. Words like salvation, redemption, justification, forgiveness, reconciliation, and atonement have been so influential in molding the conception of the WORK of Jesus Christ that it is absolutely necessary to study them in greater detail.
(2) Norman Geisler’s book Systematic Theology Vol. 3 gives a list of 12 of the most prominent such terms. Some terms are equivalent to salvation; others are simply the result of or part of salvation.
(3) Effectual grace — God accomplishes in the lives of believers in Christ the salvation for which He has foreordained or about which He has foreknowledge (Isa. 55:11; 1 Pet. 1:2).
(4) Sealing — Eph 1:1-14 shows that God the Father CHOSE us to be holy and blameless before Him. “From the beginning God chose us for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and belief in the truth” (2 Thess. 2:13). (a) “Having believed we were SEALED with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the REDEMPTION of the purchased possession” (Eph. 1:13b-14a). (b) What do the last 2 verses mean? Well, some of what it means is that the Holy Spirit is the guarantee/down payment/ pledge/earnest of the heavenly inheritance for all believers. His entrance into our spirit brings with it the same ETERNAL LIFE Jesus promised us. His work in us creates that same HOLINESS without which no one will see the Lord. His influence over us brings us the COMMUNION with God which we shall enjoy forever in heaven. (c) It means that the Holy Spirit brings to us many things which are FORETASTES of the heavenly inheritance including all the things that SALVATION ENCOMPASSES: rest [Heb. 4:3], the GIFTS of the Spirit, that which ENABLES us to walk in the Spirit, delight in earthly SERVICE, COMMUNION with saints, enlarged KNOWLEDGE of God Himself and of all divine things, VICTORY over sin, SECURITY in Christ, NEARNESS to our beloved Lord and Savior. (d) It is beneficial for us to review what EARNEST means. It is the translation of the Greek word arabon which means a deposit of money in purchases that is given as a pledge by the purchaser that the full amount will SUBSEQUENTLY BE paid, and FORFEITED if the purchase is not completed. (e) It means believers are the purchased possession; Paul writes, “You were bought with a price”(1 Cor. 6:20). Peter agrees (2 Pet. 2:1). God is the purchaser and the Holy Spirit is the earnest, the down payment. God is not going to forfeit the Holy Spirit. Therefore He will finish the purchase in the end meaning believers will be glorified. What a wonderful revelation of eternal security of the believer in Christ.
(5) Redemption — a broad term, often used as the EQUIVALENT of salvation. 6 NT Greek words are translated redeem or redemption. These 6 words include 3 verbs and 3 nouns, all having to do with the idea of REDEMPTION, that is, of DELIVERANCE and LIBERATION from bondage obtained and purchased by the payment of a PRICE often designated as a RANSOM. (a) The first word is agorazo, a verb, meaning to purchase, or buy, acquire IN the marketplace: (b) second word is exagorazo, a verb, meaning to purchase FROM or OUT OF the marketplace: (c) The third word is lutroo, a verb, meaning to ransom for RELEASE from bondage by paying the RANSOM PRICE. (d) The fourth word for redeem is lutron, a noun, meaning a MEANS of release, a means of redeeming, of setting one free. (e) The fifth word is lutrosis - a noun - also translated RANSOM - the ACT of freeing, releasing after the RANSOM PRICE had been paid. (f) The sixth word for redeem is apolutrosis, a noun, meaning an act of SETTING FREE, deliverance, release FROM restraint, deliverance or release from TORTURE.
This is Episode 193.