Those Who Do Podcast podcast

Those Who Do: Creating Reality w/ Ernesto De La O

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Ernesto De La O is a husband and father born and raised in California.  He’s just like you and me.  He takes his kids to football games, has slip and slide parties in the back yard, and hosts sleep overs for his children’s friends.  It also just so happens he’s an editor for reality television shows.  Which ones you ask?  The answer is yes.  Ernesto’s resume of reality television is ridiculously long.  Among his credits are: The Challenge, Shark Week, Total Bellas, Total Divas, Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Tori & Dean: Inn Love, and The Amazing Race…just to name a few.  Ernesto has gone from being nameless, faceless data logger to now supervising teams of editors on assignments, sometimes in multiple countries at the same time.  He talks with us about his early career in terrestrial radio and explains how editing has changed throughout the years from being an on site, locked in a room pursuit, to something people are doing in a table in their kitchen all over the world.  Besides being an accomplished and respected editor in the entertainment industry, Ernesto is a warm, welcoming and open guy.  He spends a ton of time with his family and was incredibly gracious and generous with his time. 

This is Those Who Do: Creating Reality w/ Ernesto De La O

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