The Marketing Architects podcast

Nerd Alert: What Makes Content Go Viral?

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Welcome to Nerd Alert, a series of special episodes bridging the gap between marketing academia and practitioners. We’re breaking down highly involved, complex research into plain language and takeaways any marketer can use.

In this episode, Elena and Rob explore what drives us to click and share online content. Is virality just luck, or is it strategic? Discover how emotions and planning play a part.

Topics covered:   
  • [00:50] “What Makes Online Content Viral”
  • [01:25] What makes something go viral?
  • [02:50] Content drives social transmission and virality
  • [05:10] High versus low arousal emotions
  • [06:05] Why positivity is contagious.
  • [09:05] Emotion and content sharing 

To learn more, visit 

Berger, Jonah & Milkman, Katherine. (2009). What Makes Online Content Viral? Journal of Marketing Research. 49. 10.2139/ssrn.1528077. 
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