The Slow Living Collective podcast

Seasonal Self-Care: Setting Boundaries for Balance

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Hey you! Let’s talk about living in harmony with the seasons. You know, it’s so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life that we forget to slow down and appreciate the natural rhythm of the year. Seasonal living is all about syncing up with the world around you – embracing the energy, the light, and the vibes of each season. It’s about honouring your body’s natural cycles and finding joy in the simple things.

Now, let's talk self care. It’s not just about bubble baths and face masks, although those can be amazing! True self-care is about listening to your body, mind, and soul. It’s about nourishing yourself from the inside out. And guess what? Setting boundaries is a major part of that. When you set boundaries, you’re saying, "I matter, and my needs are important." It's like building a fence around your garden – you're protecting what's precious to you. So let’s dive into how we can use seasonal living to create a life of balance and joy, starting with those essential boundaries.

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Okay, let's dive deeper.

Have you ever noticed how your mood and energy levels shift with the seasons? It’s like our bodies have an internal clock that aligns with the natural world. Springtime brings a burst of energy and creativity, while autumn invites us to slow down and reflect. Winter can feel cosy and introspective, and summer is all about fun and adventure. It's incredible how these seasonal shifts can impact our routines.

But here’s the thing: if we don’t honour these changes, it can throw us off balance. Ignoring the natural ebb and flow of the year can lead to burnout, stress, and feeling out of sync with yourself. That's why it's so important to adapt our self care practices to match the season.

Boundaries? Let’s talk about them.

They're like invisible fences around your heart and mind. They're about defining what you will and won't tolerate, what you're willing to give, what you need to receive and where your enough point is. Boundaries aren't about being selfish; they're about self-preservation.

Imagine your energy as a precious resource. Boundaries help you protect that energy. When you set boundaries, you're saying, "I value myself enough to create limits." It's like putting on oxygen masks before helping others – you can't pour from an empty cup. Boundaries help manage stress and overwhelm by creating healthy space between you and what drains you.

Setting boundaries is a radical act of self-love. It's about honoring your needs and desires. When you prioritise yourself, you create room for personal growth, joy, and fulfillment. Boundaries aren't about isolation; they're about creating healthier connections. So, let's dive into how to set boundaries that support your seasonal self care.

What can seasonal boundary setting look like?

Springtime is all about renewal and growth, right? It's the perfect time to focus on work-life balance. Maybe that means setting boundaries around your work hours or saying no to extra commitments. Remember, growth happens when you have space to breathe.

Summer is for soaking up the sun and recharging. Let's ditch the phone and embrace the moment. Set boundaries with technology and over-scheduling. It's okay to unplug and unwind. Your mental health will thank you.

Autumn is a time for reflection and grounding. It's important to set boundaries with external expectations. Don’t let other people's opinions dictate your happiness. Focus on what truly matters to you. And let go of negative influences that drain your energy.

Winter is for hibernation and self care. It's okay to say no to social obligations and prioritise your inner peace. Set boundaries with energy-draining activities and create a cosy sanctuary where you can recharge. Remember, taking care of yourself isn't selfish; it's essential.

Alright, let's talk about putting those boundaries into action.

First things first, how do you even figure out what your boundaries are? It's about tuning into yourself. Ask yourself, "What feels good? What doesn't?" Remember this: What is your enough point? Pay attention to your body and your emotions. When you're feeling overwhelmed or resentful, that might be a sign of a boundary that needs setting. Remember, it's okay to say no.

Once you know your boundaries, it's time to communicate them clearly and confidently. Use "I" statements and be specific about what you need. It's totally normal to feel awkward or uncomfortable at first. But remember, you're standing up for yourself. And guess what? People might push back. That's okay. It's a learning process. Be patient with yourself and others.

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You made it to the end!

And I'm so proud of you for taking the time to focus on yourself and your boundaries. Remember, self-care isn't selfish; it's essential. It's about filling your own cup so you can show up fully for the people and things you love.

So, let's make a pact. Let's prioritise self-care and boundary setting. Let's create a life that feels good, inside and out. Why don't you try creating a seasonal self-care plan? Think about what you need in each season and how you can set boundaries to support that. It’s a beautiful way to honour your body, mind, and soul.

I would love to know what your thought about todays episode so be sure to leave me a comment below & don’t forget to come and find me over on Instagram.

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