The Honey Moon Coffee Co. Podcast podcast

Quality Crews / A Bittersweet Goodbye

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Jessica and Zac discuss a question submitted on the website regarding Honey Moon's ability to attract quality employees in a time when many business struggle to hire people, period. Culture? Type of work? Tune in to hear.��

Then, The Parsons are joined by Nate and Elizabeth Viscaino, a young married couple who reflect on their time as Honey Moon employees and talk about their plans for a new chapter of life together in New York.��

Today's episode is brought to you by Honey Moon Coffee Company's website: �� Whether you're interested in joining the Honey Moon team, subscribing to a monthly or bi-monthly coffee delivery, or simply want to learn more about the brand's story, visit the Honey Moon website to see what Evansville's fastest-growing coffee spot has to offer.��

Hosts - Zac and Jessica Parsons

Producer - Wesley Luttrell

Editor ��- Brooklyn Hoffeditz

Music - ��Sam Kuban

This podcast is produced by Wally Opus.


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