The Bovasin Outdoor Chronicles podcast

The Bovasin Outdoor Chronicles

Bovasin Outdoors

Welcome to our outdoor adventure podcast! We're two brothers with a passion for outdoor recreation and exploring the wilderness. Our podcast isn't just about sharing our crazy outdoor escapades; we also tackle important social and economic issues related to outdoor recreation. From access to public lands to conservation efforts, we believe outdoor recreation should be accessible to everyone, and we're committed to promoting policies that support this belief. Each episode, we share stories from our travels, offer advice and tips for planning your own outdoor adventures, and provide a platform for discussing important issues related to outdoor recreation. We know that outdoor adventures can be unpredictable, and we've had our fair share of mishaps and embarrassing moments, but we take our responsibility as outdoor enthusiasts seriously and promote responsible outdoor recreation and conservation efforts. Whether you're an avid outdoor enthusiast or just starting to explore the great outdoors, join us on our journey as we tackle challenging trails, explore the wilderness, and discuss the issues affecting outdoor recreation. We promise to bring our passion, expertise, and sense of humor to every episode (but we can't promise we won't get lost or accidentally set our tent on fire... again).

29 Episodes