The Art of Confident Driving podcast

Holiday Driving – Get there and back safely!

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Holiday driving. How to get to your destination without stress, and be able to enjoy the journey! A few extra tips from Instructor Liz: Learner drivers should have extensive experience with general driving before attempting highway and open road driving. Travelling with the family can be a great adventure! But make sure you arrive safe and sound.

Don’t allow the driver to be distracted – kids, you must keep the driver hydrated and happy.

Passenger: Shotgun position – check all lights are working, give the car some cool driving songs, you are the back up driver so keep watch!

Passengers: rear seats – either: eye spy, watching a device with headphones on (so the noise doesn't distract the driver) or hold intelligent conversations to keep the driver alert. Alternate choices include; singalong, reading books, thumb wars.

Above all, please, follow the road rules, prepare for the journey – know your route and make sure your car is roadworthy.

Let’s all work together to get to our destinations safely!

With your sense of humour (and driving adventure) intact.

Host: Liz Lafferty

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