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Oh we have a great episode for you, really....all bias aside...it's a belter We look at one of the longest standing and most important bands to come out of the Pacific Northwest's Riot Grrl scene ... Sleater-Kinney We discuss sexism in the music industry, the impact a producer can have on a band, how Sleater-Kinney inspired our guests, The start of the Riot Grrrl Revolution, and obviously a bunch of records!! Re-joining Nick and Ewan are Cheri Amour and Fliss Kitson whose early bands were heavily influenced by the work of SK, Lexicographer and huge fan Ben Zimmer, and ...drumroll please... for this episode only.... the author of "Girls to the Front: The True Story of the Riot Grrl Revolution" ; Sara Marcus!!!!!!!! In this episode we discuss the following (Links are to Bandcamp) https://sleaterkinney.bandcamp.com/album/sleater-kinney-remastered (Sleater Kinney) - 1995 https://sleaterkinney.bandcamp.com/album/call-the-doctor-remastered (Call the Doctor) - 1996 https://sleaterkinney.bandcamp.com/album/dig-me-out-remastered (Dig Me Out) - 1997 https://sleaterkinney.bandcamp.com/album/the-hot-rock-remastered (The Hot Rock) - 1999 https://sleaterkinney.bandcamp.com/album/all-hands-on-the-bad-one-remastered (All Hands on the Bad One) - 2000 As usual there's a Spotify playlist incorporating the podcast and selected songs which you can find at https://sptfy.com/tfsk1 (https://sptfy.com/tfsk1) The Guests: Sara's book is amazing and can be bought in all bookshops, or online at http://www.indiebound.org/book/9780061806360 (Indiebound ) or https://www.amazon.com/Girls-Front-Story-Grrrl-Revolution/dp/0061806366 (Amazon ) Find out more about Sara Marcus, and find links to other pieces she has written at http://saramarcus.net/ (saramarcus.net) Cheri's many projects, from broadcaster, podcaster, journalist, to author are available at http://cheriamour.co.uk/ (cheriamour.co.uk) Fliss is the drummer of the amazing Nightingales, buy some great and important music, and discover the documentary King Rocker at https://thenightingales.org.uk/ (thenightingales.org.uk) Ben does loads of stuff but you can always find him in his regular column on The Wall Street Journal, or sometimes The Atlantic. Find all the links at https://benzimmer.com/ (Benzimmer.com) If you fancy supporting the show, either leave us a review somewhere (Apple Podcasts would be awesome) or ....drumroll.... JOIN OUR PATREON (and help keep the lights on, I don't like the dark) which is over https://www.patreon.com/tempfans (here) Regardless of whether you can chip in, a 5 star review (if you feel like it) on Apple or Podchaser would help enormously. Or just tell your friends!! Jonathan is the genius behind our theme music and you can hear more of his stuff on his https://jonathanfisher.bandcamp.com/ (Bandcamp) Additional music in this episode by https://sessions.blue/licensing/ (Blue Dot Sessions ) All available under the following licenses: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

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